bb: So Keep Your Head Up

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Look at what's become of the people who backed this symbol into office. And for all his accolades, his shining rhetoric and ability to capture the hearts and souls of millions, look at the people behind him. The people he's working with. The people he's already hired.

Mandatory civil defense training. Mandatory. Goodbye 13th ammendment.

But some people are starting to wake up. On something as trivial and as powerful as Facebook, I see some PrObama proponents cringing at Obama's choice of Rahm and his courting of the Clintons.

And some people think that now that the election's over, the battle's been won/lost.

No. Obama's been elected, but it's not just Obama to be worried about. Obama's just a spell caster. He is NOT the problem. He may be a part of it, he may be the enabler of an American, Leftist narcissism, but he is NOT the problem. (Or the solution.)

It's not our government, it is not the police, it is not the KKK.

The enemy is not the problem.

It's us.

Whatever has happened, it's something that we, ourselves, have allowed to manifest. Take responsibility or expect for it to continue to happen. The same patterns at an accelerated rate. Are we not tired of it? Any enemy we see, any annoyance you have, any battle that's wearing us down - it comes from US.

And yet, when it comes to the solution -- it too stems from the same source: US.

"We are the ones we've been waiting for"?

Screw waiting.

We're not waiting or looking for or following anybody in the current phase. Why? Because the person or entity that we seek is not coming. Because that person is not outside ourselves.

So think, study, create.

It is NOT about BOOM -- here's the Answer to Life. If there's a problem, figure it out.

That's where we are right now -- so have patience with people, and most of all, patience with yourself. There is a problem. So we're figuring shit out. Solutions don't spontaneously fall into our laps while we still lie sleeping.

Maybe we'll be given clues in our dreaming, but it's in our full, waking state in which we are able to shape them into a reality. We all have a role to play in this next phase, so it doesn't make much sense to look to others for an instruction manual. Because there is none.

There is only a tribe -- a group of people who share a common relationship between themselves and the universe and are working towards the manifestation of a common intent embedded within their consciousnesses. For a tribe to thrive, everyone must find their niche and take responsibility for playing their own part.

As much as I'm talking to an invisible audience, I am even moreso addressing myself.

I need to have patience with the ignorance of others and the will to keep sleeping. But above that is an even greater struggle: to have patience with my own ignorance and the desire to go back to sleep when I get tired of what appears to be, sometimes, a railing against the tide.

There will be no lasting, profound affirmations in this phase.

I have to know this to be true for myself, and not for anyone else.

This is how one prepares for what's to come.

So keep your head up.