bb: where bb's at...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

not exactly, but I can certainly relate.

And summore research. yaaar!

bb: So Keep Your Head Up

Look at what's become of the people who backed this symbol into office. And for all his accolades, his shining rhetoric and ability to capture the hearts and souls of millions, look at the people behind him. The people he's working with. The people he's already hired.

Mandatory civil defense training. Mandatory. Goodbye 13th ammendment.

But some people are starting to wake up. On something as trivial and as powerful as Facebook, I see some PrObama proponents cringing at Obama's choice of Rahm and his courting of the Clintons.

And some people think that now that the election's over, the battle's been won/lost.

No. Obama's been elected, but it's not just Obama to be worried about. Obama's just a spell caster. He is NOT the problem. He may be a part of it, he may be the enabler of an American, Leftist narcissism, but he is NOT the problem. (Or the solution.)

It's not our government, it is not the police, it is not the KKK.

The enemy is not the problem.

It's us.

Whatever has happened, it's something that we, ourselves, have allowed to manifest. Take responsibility or expect for it to continue to happen. The same patterns at an accelerated rate. Are we not tired of it? Any enemy we see, any annoyance you have, any battle that's wearing us down - it comes from US.

And yet, when it comes to the solution -- it too stems from the same source: US.

"We are the ones we've been waiting for"?

Screw waiting.

We're not waiting or looking for or following anybody in the current phase. Why? Because the person or entity that we seek is not coming. Because that person is not outside ourselves.

So think, study, create.

It is NOT about BOOM -- here's the Answer to Life. If there's a problem, figure it out.

That's where we are right now -- so have patience with people, and most of all, patience with yourself. There is a problem. So we're figuring shit out. Solutions don't spontaneously fall into our laps while we still lie sleeping.

Maybe we'll be given clues in our dreaming, but it's in our full, waking state in which we are able to shape them into a reality. We all have a role to play in this next phase, so it doesn't make much sense to look to others for an instruction manual. Because there is none.

There is only a tribe -- a group of people who share a common relationship between themselves and the universe and are working towards the manifestation of a common intent embedded within their consciousnesses. For a tribe to thrive, everyone must find their niche and take responsibility for playing their own part.

As much as I'm talking to an invisible audience, I am even moreso addressing myself.

I need to have patience with the ignorance of others and the will to keep sleeping. But above that is an even greater struggle: to have patience with my own ignorance and the desire to go back to sleep when I get tired of what appears to be, sometimes, a railing against the tide.

There will be no lasting, profound affirmations in this phase.

I have to know this to be true for myself, and not for anyone else.

This is how one prepares for what's to come.

So keep your head up.

BB: DMT, Dreams and the PineaL GLand

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Talk about synchronicity. I stumbled upon this video (a clip of which I heard before but never understood or looked into cuz I gots all annoyed with all them giggles -- ya know, when White people talk about psychedelic experiences.)

So there's this chemical - DMT - and it's produced by the pineal gland and is what gives us our dreams and connects us to our other levels of consciousness. Very trippy stuff.

What is dimethyltryptamine in depth? Look here and there.

I find Joe Rogan's personality a little obnoxious and the "I feel so spiritually good about my White self" music, but the content is revelatory. Siiiiiigh. You know, once I started to stop caring so much about the packaging, I've been finding out so much cool information and new modalities of thinking. Sure, they're White dudes, for the most part, who were able to come to these new understandings of consciousness and science and metaphysics by the luxury of the privilege they were born with.

But the content is content, and the content is fascinating, and the content doesn't belong to any one entity.


JK: nov 16th 2008 Dreams and Symbols

Sunday, November 16, 2008

everyday I dream, sometimes my dreams are completely nonsensical and ridiculous and I remember nothing, other times it is so vivid and packed with answers I am stunned for a whole week. Lately, I haven't been so diligent in writing in my dream journal and I feel like I am doing a disservice to myself. If the universe speaks in symbols, and dreams are largely symbolic, then the universe often will speak to you in symbols in you dreams. So what happenes when we don't allow ourselves to remember our dreams, we lose important messages that are transmitted within us or to us about the richness of the day to come.

I think about how multilayered the subconscious is and it is just simply stunning, our "shadow selves" are so multilayered involving so many layers and threads within these layers, Tsarion says that in order to attain true selfhood, one must examine and face the shadow self. But often one is not sure where to start...looking into Carl Jung's work today and stuff about dreams is starting to give me more direction about where I want to go in these next couple months in terms of my own self studies....symbols, dreams, and the shadow self.

Carl Jung talks about the psyche and death


A quick response before I head out to work to the Mayan Calendar Post. Yes!!!!! the 6th Day. The opening of so much more possibilities and a reminder to stay sharp and aware: Awake in every moment, the "final countdown"....oh that sounds so dramatic...rock on. and wow....this is my first bog post EVER....i am excited.


BB: What is Change and Why Do Voters Want It?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Last night in my Food and Culture class, we were talking about this Quaker Clam Bake that's held every 3rd Thursday of August. Basically, the ritual of the clam bake is the same, but the parts and parcels of it are different. For example, the clams are flown in from Canada, some of the ingredients and foods they use are instant and/or processed mixes and half of the people at these clam bakes aren't Quaker -- they are tourists driving up in their BMWs in search of an "authentic" experience.

Yeah, yeah -- Chinatowns the world over.

Hold up -- it gets more interesting. So we started getting into it, talking about how the Quakers and tourists have used the ritual of the clam bake to form a Quaker identity. Because the ritual itself has not changed, these people's identities, on the surface, have not changed. They are "still" Quakers.

I brought up a point in class that perhaps the ritual of the clam bake itself is utilized as a mask, to hide and disguise all that is changing in the Quaker community. The mask helps them stay in a state of denial, so that they don't have to directly face the mortality of their own identity. (Only 40 members still live in the community, they do used processed foods now and depend upon a tourist economy to sustain themselves.)

My professor took my point a step further and said it was BECAUSE of Change that Quakers were able to forge this identity through the clam bake.

If there wasn't the outside threat of economics, the dwindling numbers of the community or the interest by outside tourists, there would be no push to rally the troops to put their all into the ritual of the clam bake. It's become a symbol of their identity and a means through which they can sustain their community economically (by selling high ticket prices to tourists.)

Same can be said for Chinatown as well.

So, looking at the Obama campaign and the flipside of it all...

Why did the campaign push for change? More like - why did people want change so desperately?

The thing is, Change itself is supposed to be a force that threatens the identity of a community.

A principle thing people were rallying against in terms of the Bush administration was that they (as self absorbed as they are) hated the kind of American identity that was being constructed. Think Saul Williams - Not In Our Name.

Not In Our Name -- in it is a deeply seeded resentment and sense of powerlessness in the Bush administration's construction of an American Identity. Remember, salt is not sugar, but from far away they look identical.

What I mean by that is that through hyper-nationalism (and faux-Fascism), there was something LIKE an identity being formed. At the same time, an identity can only be formed through a symbiotic relationship. Sure, an identity is constructed. But one must CHOOSE to identify with it for it to become a living, breathing entity.

Nationalism is NOT an identity.

Salt and sugar.

But in goading a SURGE of nationalism, pundits, "reporters", soldiers and the government were able to construct a ready-made identity via the channels of Fear that scared citizens could identify with. They didn't HAVE to identify it. But they CHOSE to identify it.

But, as it seems, it is an identity that voters are unhappy with. In choosing to be unhappy with it, they are also choosing to accept that - YES - this is what an American identity has become. An oppressive force that is enslaved by corporate entities, toxic food and waste -- and is ruled by fear.

And, to be sophomoric about it, as a result, "The World Hates Us." Time for America's insecurity complex.

So, for those who are unhappy with this identity, how can we make "The World Like Us?"


And what does Change mean?

The destruction of an identity.

Now herein lies the danger, for the danger lies in the construction of this new identity. The thing is, when one is prone to identifying with a group, one is prone to group think. When one is prone to group think, one is prone to accepting a constructed identity.

Does that make sense?

If you identify as Chinese -- someone before you must have constructed what it means to be Chinese. After donning on this identity, you can interpret it as you like, but there are core elements of this identity that have been ready-made for you.

So my question is -- who is constructing this Change, and what will this Change look like?


Not a new American identity, but a new identity for a member of the global community.

What better way to make the world like us than to become World Citizens? Yes, I am talking New World Order. And it's already on its way.

Now, I talked to you about Obama's hypnosis techniques -- which some people on Facebook are upset with me about. (Though I think it's not that they don't believe it, it's that they don't WANT to believe it.)

One of these techniques is Pacing.

Now, the Leading is the new information introduced after we've been paced into a "trance" of sorts - basically we've let our guard down so that our unconscious is open to these new suggestions.

Ironically enough, the Lead of Obama's Berlin speech will be broken down by a Barack supporter. What I find both sad and slightly amusing is the pain in his eyes. He's still clinging to these threads of hope, even as his "messenger" is revealing the more insidious intentions of his future administration.

You can hear him reason and rationalize why he is still supporting Obama...while the truth he's actually worked through is right there in front of him. Oy(L).

Voters (for Obama) are tired of an American identity that has been constructed that they, unwillingly, have chosen to identify with. They may not have been happy with it, but they have identified with it in that they accepted that this is how a majority of their peers (in the world at large) perceive America. This is why resistance (of an identity) is the very least, in the creation and manifestation of goals. Resistance is NOT the "mountain top."

It can help us figure out why one route to the mountain top won't work, but it is not the road itself.

Sorry. Tangents.

Anyway, so why are Obama supporters so drawn to Change? (Remember Change is that which threatens an identity, and the mobilizing force of identity construction and maintenance.)

Because they want to destroy the American identity that has been constructed by the Bush adminstration.

This also indicates that they are ready for a new American identity, and are willing to allow the person they are rallying around (Obama) to construct it.

Salt and sugar.

You see, Obama is not interested in a new American identity...or, at least, to him -- what it means to be American is to be a good Global Citizen.

To be a citizen of the world is to be a citizen of an entity that governs the world.

New World Order. One World Government. Loss of Sovereignty.

Oy(L). Dammit.

Destroying an identity to create a new one isn't necessarily a bad thing, I know this. I've experienced this. But to place the creation of your identity to a force or entity outside of yourself is damn dangerous.

I'm not resisting, but I am observing. And telling it like it is.

P.S. I do realize by calling voters idiots won't make them happy.
P.P.S. But they ARE!!! Dammit.
P.P.P.S. If anyone else stumbles upon this blog other than youse, I doubt I'll be making any friends. Bahahahahaha.

BB: Bai, Bai, 5th Night, G'Morning 6th Day~!

I'm getting kinda antsy, as it's later into the week. At the same time, we're also deeper into the process of falling away from under the spell and might of Dominance. Ironically enough, it's supposedly during this time that we're supposed to stay more grounded. I can only imagine because time itself is accelerating.

I'm also excited for another reason - it's supposed to be a time of flowering. For the past few months, I knew I was coming off as a nihilist because of my critical view of the world. I had much to critique, but little solutions solve them. But this, too, is just a natural process.

The thing is, one must totally critique and figure out why a system is not working or how power, dominance and oppression works so that one can think up new ways to create new paradigms. And, as it seems, the time for that new paradigm-thinking is now, I suppose. So, hopefully, new ideas and ways of thinking will also be attracted to me in the coming months.

Again, to rephrase what we talked about before - it's about learning, not just knowing. Knowing isn't enough because there's not a deep, profound emotional, intellectual and spiritual investment in there. Learning is the actual work with which you come to really know something.

In any case, you can get the whole schpiel on the 6th Day here, but I'll copy and paste it anyway.

November 13, 2008

Tzolkin Date: 13 IMIX

11th of 13 Heavens (7 Days and 6 Nights of Creation) of the Galactic Cycle

The Sixth Day heralds a time of flowering for the plant - awakening, unfolding, opening up to new possibilities. Most scholars use the words “enlightenment” and “renaissance” to define this creative period. Historically, the Sixth Day on other levels or cycles corresponded to the invention of tools, first attempts at agriculture and building shelter; the European Renaissance itself; and the flower children movement of the 1960's.

This Heaven of Light, the Sixth Day, begins with 13 Imix on the Sacred Calendar, the Tzolkin. The number 13 represents co-creation, unconditional love and culmination of spiritual enlightenment. The number 13 is the final number in the sequence of 13 numbers of the Tzolkin. Imix is the first of the 20 day signs comprising the Tzolkin. Imix is symbolized by the Crocodile and the Waterlily – beginning, receptivity, trust, Earth Mother, nourishment, protection, primordial ocean of possibilities.

The intention of the enlightenment or ascension energy combined with the primal energy of Imix gives us the ability to feel a new era unfolding.

The 6th Day


As we transit from the twilight of the Fifth Night into the twilight of the Sixth Day, our burdens become lighter as we discard what no longer serves us in order to evolve to the next stage of growth in this new reality. Just as a plant follows the Fibonacci Sequence by looking back in order to evolve, humanity has a unique opportunity to look back to our ancestors and incorporate ancestral knowledge in order to evolve into our true destiny of being co-creators and caretakers of this beautiful planet we call Earth or Gaia.

With time acceleration and the concrescence of novelty becoming more apparent to individuals, and as more individuals begin to open to awareness and the increased photon field that we seem to be moving through, we realize that our minds alone cannot keep up with the evolutionary changes. It has become necessary to rely upon our instincts and feelings to navigate through this new vibrational field.

In order to continue to the next growth stage in this fantastic journey, we must not only incorporate ancient wisdom by performing sacred ceremonies and rituals, but also tune into our instinctual knowledge. As the number of choices we are called upon to make increase, let our intuition guide us along the ascending path. Consciously choose to take the high road – be positive, loving and compassionate – choose love over fear or anger.

The Fifth Night saw the beginning of the end of dominance. Dominance on every level is beginning to fall away: dominance of governments, religions, corporations, individuals, ego. Each individual will begin to realize their own worth as dominance falls away. Each will feel their own purpose, their own responsibility, and begin to realize their full potential as loving human beings.

To maximize the incoming influx of light energies and to better handle the rapid changes, it is very important to stay grounded. Incorporate a daily movement practice such as qigong, tai chi, yoga; meditation; perform ceremonies and rituals, even just lighting a candle and offering a prayer; practice kindness and compassion; maintain a good diet and a positive attitude; and follow the Mayan Sacred Calendar – the Tzolkin. As we go into the Sixth Day, let us each be like the bud of a flower, ready to open to our full beauty. Let us embrace the ascending spiral of light with a flame of hope and gratitude in our hearts.

The 6th Day

In Lak’ech,

William and Viola

BB: Is Autism Reversible?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

After watching Vaccine Nation and listening to Leonard Horowitz interviews, I do think that most cases of autism are not genetic and are artificially induced. But can these cases be reversed?

Here's just a few videos I saw on youtube that have me thinking that maybe not only can autism be prevented, but it can be treated as well.

To: SoLe SpeaK; From: BoBaBot; Mmm... boBa... ::drooLs::

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Talk about synchronicity and the manifestation of consciousness...!


So this dude named Neil Kramer is talking about just that - consciousness manifestation, Ian Lungold and even the Cosmic Serpent.

FraK KPFK (remind me to do a Battlestar Galactica post in the future. Erhmmm... after I connect you with ze eppies) - Red Ice is mos def keeping it real. Btw - remind me to also look more into Cymatics.

In any case, I thought this would be a good place to start, revving up the general direction of our sneakers. Vrooom, vrooooom=-!

I think he brings up a great point - to be discerning, to be awake and aware of what's going on, but also to go with what resonates with you. By law of attraction, if we operate from the vibration of fear and invest all of our energy in researching the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati, study Masonic secret handshakes and look at all the connectivities between the WTO, CFR and the NWO (as well as all those other dericious acronyms) when it isn't calling our interests, there's no need to throw all our energies into it.

We all have a role to play and are on a path to find our own areas of expertise or specific ways in which we are able to help expand the level of consciousness.

Sometimes when I find myself researching more and more into thinks like MK (mind control) and MCM (mind-controlled models) and the numerology behind the Masonic order (I was never a huge arse fan of math), I find myself caught up in a place I don't want to be. To be practical, I want study the general gist of it to know its general issues and connectivities while investing in the areas that call forth my attention or spark an interest.

I troll certain forums and blogs and sometimes I feel like I'm back in undergrad where people are speaking in code. Like, "Oh yeah, track 2 off Black Star's 1st album -- the 3rd verse is totally talking about the degredation of genetically modified bunnies. What did YOU think about that?" But sometimes I need perspective and remind myself that this isn't about collecting Girl Scout badges. ::shudders::

I do want to go back, like Celtic Rebel (warning: this heterodude's got some issues with his perspective on womyn in general, btw -- but he's got a LOT of seriously enlightening takes on films such as Dark Knight and whatnot) and take another good look at some films that really resonated with me in the past and look at the symbology and what kind of messages or codes are implanted in the narratives.

On a random note - it was on a Red Ice broadcast I clicked on youtube, looking for Jordan Maxwell, that I got connected to Michael Tsarion. (It was the 2 of them on the same show.)

When he speaks of The Matrix and how Morpheus mentions how he cannot explain the matrix in words, but one must experience it himself -- that is exactly what's going on right now, which is why I find it so difficult to explain what exactly it is that I am experiencing. So many people want 2-minute answers, but it's a process to get from one answer to the next to wherever it is that I am.

So chaotic and toxic is their logic and sense of reason that they've forgotten how to use the tools to critically think. Like Kramer's talking about, when consciousness is weak, people tend to drift towards religion or whatever the dominant archetype is.

It's like - with the Obama campaign. So many people aren't really haven't discussions, but are following a script of affirmation. Code words to demonstrate they are part of the dominant archetype, of that particular consciousness, unaware that the consciousness doesn't belong to them. That it's been constructed by another entity for the purpose of enslaving their free will and to anesthestitize their ability to free think.

To think freely is to let go. To face the mortality of your current ideologies so that you can creatively expand your own consciousness and the possibilities of the manifestations of your new intentions. If that makes any sense.

They don't want to experience The Matrix - they want a TPS report. And all else is wrong. And in a sense, they are right. It is wrong -- or antithetical to their reality. To go through the process of trying to understand my message or what it is that I'm processing, they must unmake their own idea of reality and all the illusions they have voluntarily bought and consumed themselves.

Basically, if they find parts of their world crappy - they are responsible for those parts as well. Not in a judgey way, it just is. And it's hard for some to face that, because it would mean feeling bad about themselves. (I am speaking of "happiness" and shall post on that later.)

I really want to read the Cosmic Serpent. I really want to read material on DNA and how it is very much an expression of consciousness, meaning and the ways in which we are all telepathically linked.

But yesh.

Comment/post away!