JK: nov 16th 2008 Dreams and Symbols

Sunday, November 16, 2008

everyday I dream, sometimes my dreams are completely nonsensical and ridiculous and I remember nothing, other times it is so vivid and packed with answers I am stunned for a whole week. Lately, I haven't been so diligent in writing in my dream journal and I feel like I am doing a disservice to myself. If the universe speaks in symbols, and dreams are largely symbolic, then the universe often will speak to you in symbols in you dreams. So what happenes when we don't allow ourselves to remember our dreams, we lose important messages that are transmitted within us or to us about the richness of the day to come.

I think about how multilayered the subconscious is and it is just simply stunning, our "shadow selves" are so multilayered involving so many layers and threads within these layers, Tsarion says that in order to attain true selfhood, one must examine and face the shadow self. But often one is not sure where to start...looking into Carl Jung's work today and stuff about dreams is starting to give me more direction about where I want to go in these next couple months in terms of my own self studies....symbols, dreams, and the shadow self.

Carl Jung talks about the psyche and death


BOBBLEBOT: cYborg iNdie SkiEs said...

Dreams, like reality, ask for us to utilize discernment. Not every dream is intensely symbolic.

However, if your intuition points that way and your dreams are vivid, there may be some deepe message that you are unconsciously imparting to yourself -- whether it's about a projection of the future or the importance of a Now.

There are some "alternative researchers" who eschew the value of past and future and say the only important thing, the most important thing is the Now.

I don't agree completely.

I think the Now is certainly the most powerful in that when we are in the act of manifesting our dreams, goals, aspirations and intentions, we can only DO that in the Now.

We can plan for the future, but there is uncertainty. We can look to the past, but it's already passed us and we have no power to change it.

And yet, I think the past and the future are important as well, but only in that the egoic faculty is important in our understanding of self.

The ego and persona serve vital functions in the construction of self and in protecting us from being completely naked and vulnerable to the outside world.

But there is a problem in that it is a tool and it is NOT the self. And problematic (as we see on Facebook), when we identify with the ego and persona and have them take over and represent who we are in totality.

Same can be said about the past and future.

Both have a function.

Past serves a function in that it allows us to reflect on what we have learned. Sure,we reflect in the now, but we would have no material to reflect on without the past, meaning no lesson to go over in the present were it not for the past.

Problems arise when we live in the past, as evidenced by negative, useless emotions of grief, rage and guilt.

Sadness, I think, is different from grief - because it is a feeling in the now. It takes you to a place that is constantly moving, whereas grief is a time trap of sorts. As is guilt. To me, these emotions have little to no value other than to sometimes magnetically attract our shadow selves to the light.

Grief, guilt and rage disallow us from moving on or from the process of a deeper reflection of the self.

The Carl Jung I must listen to again. It's not that I'm hard of hearing, but that I'm hard of hearing. You know -- sometimes someone will say something and I will hear something completely different.

"I went to the store today" somehow turns into, "I want me some more mone-ay." Or perhaps this is one of my super powers and I can hear the unconscious speaking. Oooo... ahhhh...! Bahahahaha.

But yesh. His accent does't help.

Also, back to your dreams and symbols -- what might be helpful is if you, when you remember your dreams, write them down, and keep your eyes open to see if symbols or affect (feelings/emotions) repeat in your waking life.

Living in just your dreams can be like living in just your past. Your dreams serve a function -- figure out what it is.

If you can't remember your dreams, I think there is no cause for stress. Not every dream is symbolic. And the ones you do remember are rife with material enough to last you through the week, if not more.


P.S. the captcha says "simons". I wonder if it's a sign I should contact simon or if YOU should contact simon.
P.P.S. Or maybe it's to remind me not to get into "SIMON SAYS..." like my, "SAUL SAYS..."