BB: Bai, Bai, 5th Night, G'Morning 6th Day~!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm getting kinda antsy, as it's later into the week. At the same time, we're also deeper into the process of falling away from under the spell and might of Dominance. Ironically enough, it's supposedly during this time that we're supposed to stay more grounded. I can only imagine because time itself is accelerating.

I'm also excited for another reason - it's supposed to be a time of flowering. For the past few months, I knew I was coming off as a nihilist because of my critical view of the world. I had much to critique, but little solutions solve them. But this, too, is just a natural process.

The thing is, one must totally critique and figure out why a system is not working or how power, dominance and oppression works so that one can think up new ways to create new paradigms. And, as it seems, the time for that new paradigm-thinking is now, I suppose. So, hopefully, new ideas and ways of thinking will also be attracted to me in the coming months.

Again, to rephrase what we talked about before - it's about learning, not just knowing. Knowing isn't enough because there's not a deep, profound emotional, intellectual and spiritual investment in there. Learning is the actual work with which you come to really know something.

In any case, you can get the whole schpiel on the 6th Day here, but I'll copy and paste it anyway.

November 13, 2008

Tzolkin Date: 13 IMIX

11th of 13 Heavens (7 Days and 6 Nights of Creation) of the Galactic Cycle

The Sixth Day heralds a time of flowering for the plant - awakening, unfolding, opening up to new possibilities. Most scholars use the words “enlightenment” and “renaissance” to define this creative period. Historically, the Sixth Day on other levels or cycles corresponded to the invention of tools, first attempts at agriculture and building shelter; the European Renaissance itself; and the flower children movement of the 1960's.

This Heaven of Light, the Sixth Day, begins with 13 Imix on the Sacred Calendar, the Tzolkin. The number 13 represents co-creation, unconditional love and culmination of spiritual enlightenment. The number 13 is the final number in the sequence of 13 numbers of the Tzolkin. Imix is the first of the 20 day signs comprising the Tzolkin. Imix is symbolized by the Crocodile and the Waterlily – beginning, receptivity, trust, Earth Mother, nourishment, protection, primordial ocean of possibilities.

The intention of the enlightenment or ascension energy combined with the primal energy of Imix gives us the ability to feel a new era unfolding.

The 6th Day


As we transit from the twilight of the Fifth Night into the twilight of the Sixth Day, our burdens become lighter as we discard what no longer serves us in order to evolve to the next stage of growth in this new reality. Just as a plant follows the Fibonacci Sequence by looking back in order to evolve, humanity has a unique opportunity to look back to our ancestors and incorporate ancestral knowledge in order to evolve into our true destiny of being co-creators and caretakers of this beautiful planet we call Earth or Gaia.

With time acceleration and the concrescence of novelty becoming more apparent to individuals, and as more individuals begin to open to awareness and the increased photon field that we seem to be moving through, we realize that our minds alone cannot keep up with the evolutionary changes. It has become necessary to rely upon our instincts and feelings to navigate through this new vibrational field.

In order to continue to the next growth stage in this fantastic journey, we must not only incorporate ancient wisdom by performing sacred ceremonies and rituals, but also tune into our instinctual knowledge. As the number of choices we are called upon to make increase, let our intuition guide us along the ascending path. Consciously choose to take the high road – be positive, loving and compassionate – choose love over fear or anger.

The Fifth Night saw the beginning of the end of dominance. Dominance on every level is beginning to fall away: dominance of governments, religions, corporations, individuals, ego. Each individual will begin to realize their own worth as dominance falls away. Each will feel their own purpose, their own responsibility, and begin to realize their full potential as loving human beings.

To maximize the incoming influx of light energies and to better handle the rapid changes, it is very important to stay grounded. Incorporate a daily movement practice such as qigong, tai chi, yoga; meditation; perform ceremonies and rituals, even just lighting a candle and offering a prayer; practice kindness and compassion; maintain a good diet and a positive attitude; and follow the Mayan Sacred Calendar – the Tzolkin. As we go into the Sixth Day, let us each be like the bud of a flower, ready to open to our full beauty. Let us embrace the ascending spiral of light with a flame of hope and gratitude in our hearts.

The 6th Day

In Lak’ech,

William and Viola